
Third Urban Governance and Infrastructure Improvement (Sector) Project (UGIIP-III)



The project comprises three outputs or components. These are:


Output1: Municipal infrastructure and service delivery and made gender and climate-responsive.;


Output2: Improved capacity of pourashavas in urban service delivery, planning,and financial management.; and


Output 3: Project management and administration system in place.


Output1 : 


Urban Infrastructure and Service Delivery Improvement

  Urban Transport;


  Solid Waste Management (SWM);

  Water Supply;


  Municipal Facilities;

  Basic Services for  Slums;


  Vehicles and Equipment.

Output2 :

Governance Improvement and Capacity Development 

  Citizen Awareness and Participation;

  Urban Planning;

  Equity and Inclusiveness of Women and Urban Poor;

  Enhancement of Local Resource Mobilization;

  Financial Management, Accountability and Sustainability;

  Administrative Transparency; and

  Keeping Essential PS-Services Functional.

Output3 :

Project Management and Implementation Support

A Project Management Unit  (PMU) in LGED and a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) in each Pourashava have been established under Output 3 (Component C)  of the Project.  The PMU is to manage the overall project implementation, while PIUs are to implement activities for improvement of governance and physical infrastructures at the PS level. There are following 3 consultancy packages to provide support to PMU and PIUs for implementation of the project activities :

Package-1: Management Design and Supervision (MDS) Consultants;

Package-2: Governance Improvement & Capacity Development (GICD) Consultants;


i.  Individual Consultants for Benefit Monitoring and Evaluation (BME);


ii. Individual Consultants for Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (PME);


iii.Individual Consultants for Gender Development and Poverty Alleviation GDPA).

At a Glance
Short Title: UGIIP-3
Ministry: LGRD
Executing Agency: LGED & DPHE
Approval Ref: ECNEC / 01-07-2014
Project Code: 13703/224048000
Sector: Urban
Status: Completed Investment Project
Funded By: ADB, GOB, OFID.
Budget: 417761.90
Start Date: Jul-2014
Completion Date: Jun-2023
Name of PD: A. K. M. Rezaul Islam