

Current Activities

Important projects of LGED under Rajshahi district.

1. GRDRIDP:Greater Rajshahi District Rural Infrastructure Developement Project : Total Scheme :94 nos completed scheme :56 nos

2.(RDRIDP:Rajshahi Division(Except Sirajganj) Rural Infrastructure Developement Project 

3. IRIDP-2:Important Rural Infrastructure developement Project on priority basis- 2 : Total Scheme 315 completed 224

4. CUMCP: Construction Of Upazila Muktizoddha Complex Project Total Scheme:06 Nos Completed 05 Nos

5. CTULO: Construction of town and union land office across the country. Total Scheme: 12 Nos Completed Scheme :12 Nos

6. SHOUHARDO: Strengthening Househol abilities to respond to developement opportunities III. Total Scheme: 1 Nos Completed Scheme :1 Nos

7. PRMMP:Preservation & Reconstruction of Muktijuddoh Memorial Project

8.Conservation of Historical site of Liberation War & construction of Muktijuddoh Memorial Museum

9.GSIDP :General Social Infrastructure Developement Project :Total Scheme : 141 nos Completed Scheme: 16 Nos

10.RCIP: Rural Connectivity Improvement Project : Total Scheme:2 Nos Completed Scheme : 0 Nos

11.FDDRIRP: Flood & Disaster Damaged Rural Road Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project. Scheme No: 05 avg progress: 15%

12.Sustainable small Scale Water structure Developement Project. Total Scheme: 01 Completed Scheme :01

13. GOBM : Total Scheme 65 Nos completed 18 Nos

14. CIBRR : Total Scheme 01 Nos completed 00 Nos




Moreover on pavement (road & bridge maintenance) /Off Pavement/Mobile maintemance activities are running on different roads to keep the roads & bridges connected.  

Rajshahi At a Glance
Area: 2407km2
Upazila Road: 863.96 km
Union Road: 638.94Km
Village Road: 2773.66Km VA
1888.54Km VB
Population: 2,595,197(census 2011)
Density: 1100/skmKm2
Literacy: 30.61%
No. of Upazila: 9
No. of Union: 71
No. of Pourashava: 14
No. of Primary School: 911
No. of High School: 245
No. of College: 63
Procurment, Rajshahi