
Haor Flood Management and Livelihood Improvement Project (LGED Part) (2nd Revised)

HFMLIP: Background: 

In the upper Meghna River basin, so-called ‘haor’ areas stretch over the north-eastern districts and 8,600 km2 of the land area become inundated during the monsoon period. Flash flood caused by severe rainfall in the mountainous area in I   more...

Project Information Table
Implementing Agency : LGED
Project Code : 224048200
Project Name : Haor Flood Management and Livelihood Improvement Project (LGED Part) (2nd Revised)
Name of PD : Md Rayhan Shiddique
Date of Approval : 12/08/2014
Starting Date : Jul-2014
Completion Date : Jun-2023
Project Cost : Total GOB PA
88325.62 Lac 31800.40Lac 53555.22 Lac
Cumulative Expenditure : 83669.290 (In Lac Taka)
Physical Progress (%) : 55
Progress Reporting Date : 30/04/2024
Comments :

At a Glance
Short Title: HFMLIP
Ministry: LGRD
Executing Agency: LGED
Approval Ref: ECNEC Division -1 , Ref. 20.00.0000. 411.14.043. 14-579 Date- 15.09.2014
Project Code: 224048200
Sector: Water
Status: Completed Investment Project
Funded By: GOB, JICA.
Budget: 88325.62 Lac
Start Date: Jul-2014
Completion Date: Jun-2023
Name of PD: Md Rayhan Shiddique