
Haor Flood Management and Livelihood Improvement Project (LGED Part) (2nd Revised)

Photo Gallery

MOU signing ceremony

Beel Development

Village Road work

Training Picture


Special Visit

AWPB Workshop

JICA team visiting

Infrastructure Development

Fishery Promotion
At a Glance
Short Title: HFMLIP
Ministry: LGRD
Executing Agency: LGED
Approval Ref: ECNEC Division -1 , Ref. 20.00.0000. 411.14.043. 14-579 Date- 15.09.2014
Project Code: 224048200
Sector: Water
Status: Completed Investment Project
Funded By: GOB, JICA.
Budget: 88325.62 Lac
Start Date: Jul-2014
Completion Date: Jun-2023
Name of PD: Md Rayhan Shiddique