
Haor Flood Management and Livelihood Improvement Project (LGED Part) (2nd Revised)

Project Implementation Strategy

For implementation of day to day activities and administrative works, there is a  Project Management Office (PMO) headed by Project Director , 4 Project Implementation Unit (PIU) in district level headed by Executive Engineer, LGED and  16 Project Upazila Office ( PUO)  in Upazila level headed by Upazila Engineer.

Steering Committee Formed by LGD  :


A Steering Committee was formed on 18th March 2015 to govern the HaorFlood Management & Livelihood Improvement Project. The members of thecommittee are mentioned below.


Figure:Steering Committee for the Project

The rolesof the steering committee will be as follows:

i)         Approve yearly purchase planning and budgetallocation.

ii)        Provide direction for smooth implementation andother related matters.

iii)       The committee meeting will be held at least once ayear.

iv)       The committee may Co Opt any other member ifneeded.

External Audit: An External Audit will be done by the Foreign Aided Projects AuditDepartment of the Government of Bangladesh using International Standards ofAuditing to meet the requirement of JICA.

Internal Audit:  LGED willemploy a chartered accountant firm for internal audit of the Project, apartfrom the external audit conducted by the Auditor General. The cost of itsemployment should be borne by LGED. LGED will submit the annual internal auditreport to JICA within 6 months after the end of each fiscal year.

M&E ofproject

The Upazilaoffice will send weekly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly and yearly progressreports to Project Implementation unit on the specified format on specificcomponent.  PIU will compile the districtdata and send it to PMO in the same manner. Project monitoring and evaluationOfficers along with project Co-coordinators will co- ordinate the data fromfield level in district level. Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist in PMO will analyze the data andprepare reports. The M&E unit will be responsible for knowledge managementand learning.  Knowledge Management (KM)activities will use project data and results in order to draw lessons anddisseminate experiences.


Coordination with Government Line Agencies

As per DPP provision, DOF willbe involved in the implementation of Componebt-2 (Fisheries Development) byproviding MOUs between LGED and DoF.


Coordination with Other Projects in the Past

·        Sunamganj Community Based Improvement Project(CBRMP)

·        Small Scale Water Resources Development Project(SSWRDP)

Haor Infrastructure and Livelihood improvementProject (HILIP)

At a Glance
Short Title: HFMLIP
Ministry: LGRD
Executing Agency: LGED
Approval Ref: ECNEC Division -1 , Ref. 20.00.0000. 411.14.043. 14-579 Date- 15.09.2014
Project Code: 224048200
Sector: Water
Status: Completed Investment Project
Funded By: GOB, JICA.
Budget: 88325.62 Lac
Start Date: Jul-2014
Completion Date: Jun-2023
Name of PD: Md Rayhan Shiddique