LGED has implemented around 1125no’s of small scale water resources development subprojects and it is experiencedthat the following issues lead to implement the project successfully:
1) Participatory approach that developed a soundunderstanding of the roles and responsibilities of farmers and WMCAs andcreates a climate in which farmers willingly contributed in O & M.
2) Good quality of feasibility study; projectdesign; making changes in project design to reflect local needs; incorporationof lessons from prior projects, and the level of stakeholder participation.
3) A legal Institutional framework that the WMCAspromotes cost recovery at least sufficient to finance sustainable O&M,supports at comprehensive water resource management systems for irrigation;
4) During implementation, continuous attention waspaid to building the systems needed for effective O&M.
5) Organizational arrangement for supervision andquality control facilities for civil works and internal audit systems were inplace, even in remote areas.
6) Beneficiary involvement increased the sense ofownership and responsibility among the participants;
7) Creation ofemployment opportunities by increased and intensive agricultural activities;microfinance and income generating activities;
8) Rural infrastructures implementing by LGED(e.g., roads that allow farmers to market their products and farm inputs to bedelivered when they are needed).