
Small Scale Water Resources Development Project (Phase-2) (SSWRDP-JICA-2)

Project Notice Board

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1 The work done by the Agriculture Facilitator under the Small Water Resources Development Project (Phase-II) since he was recruited at the field level along with the list of monthly and future work plans will be done on 01/09/2020 at 9.00 am at the headquarters of SSWRDP (Phase-2). Instructions were given to appear in. PD SSWRDP (Phase-2). Present of Aggriculture facilitator on dated 01/09/2020 in 9.30 am 31/08/2020
At a Glance
Short Title: SSWRDP-JICA-2
Ministry: LGRD
Executing Agency: LGED
Approval Ref: 20.00.0000.412.06. 026.17-134 ; 16/11/2017
Project Code: 224147000
Sector: Water
Status: Ongoing Investment Project
Funded By: GOB, JICA.
Budget: 128596.31
Start Date: Oct-2017
Completion Date: Dec-2023
Name of PD: Abu Syed Md. Shahedur Rahim